Contributors to Spacing the Arts, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, 2012
Page last updated in 2017
Centner, R. & M. Zebracki (2017), Conveners of panel on Gay Male Urban Spaces after Grindr & Gentrification (sponsored session by the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG)). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, 29 August-1 September
Hall, J. & M. Zebracki (2017), Conveners of panel on Teaching Geographies of Gender and Sexualities (sponsored session by the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG)). Annual International Confecfp-rgs-ibg-2016-urban-public-arts-and-collaborence, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, 29 August-1 September
Zebracki, S. Warren & C. Taylor (2016), Conveners of special session on Urban Public Arts and Collaborative Production: Revisiting the Role of Universities in the Triple Helix (sponsored session by the Social and Cultural Geography Research Group (SCGRG)). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, 30 August-2 September
Lucas, K. & M. Zebracki (2016), Conveners of special session on Queer Mobilities: LGBT Citizenship on the Move (sponsored session by the Transport Geography Research Group (TGRG) and Space, Sexualities & Queer Research Group (SSQRG)). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, 30 August-2 September
Maginn, P., E. Cooper, M. Zebracki & C. Smith (2016), Convenors of special session on Sex and the City: Reactionism, Resistance and Revolt. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, USA, March 29 – April 2
Datta, A., M. Zebracki, D. Conlon & E. Kerry (2015), Convenors of conference on Everyday Encounters with Violence: Critical Feminist Perspectives. School of Geography, University of Leeds, September 9-11
Vanderbeck, R., M. Zebracki & A. Fanghanel (2015), Convenors of symposium on Impact in Sexualities and Queer Research. Sponsored by the Space, Sexualities and Queer Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) with the Citizenship & Belonging Research Cluster, University of Leeds. School of Geography, University of Leeds, September 8
Zebracki, M. (2015), Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Geographies of III European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Rome, September 16-18 (see also academic and social service)
Zebracki, M. & A. Gorman-Murray (2015), Convenors of special session on QUEER(ED) ART 2: Radical Artistic Geographies Around the Sexed World (sponsored by SSQRG: Space, Sexualities & Queer Research Group). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), Exeter, September 2-4
Zebracki, M. & A. Gorman-Murray (2015), Convenors of special session on QUEER(ED) ART 1: Artistic Practices of Sexual Difference and Radical Possibilities (sponsored by SSQRG: Space, Sexualities & Queer Research Group). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), Exeter, September 2-4
Zebracki, M. & H. Hawkins (2015), Convenors of paper and panel sessions on Politicizing Art and Creative Practices? A Provocation for Geographers. The 6th Nordic Geographers’ Meeting – Geographical Imagination: Interpretations of Nature, Art and Politics, Estonian Geographical Society, Tallinn Univeristy, University of Tartu, and Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn & Tartu, Estonia, June 15-19
Zebracki, M. & E.-M. Tell (2015), Convenors of special session on “This Used to Be My Playground”: Youth Citizenship, Arts Activism and Socio-Politically Inclusive Futures. The 6th Nordic Geographers’ Meeting – Geographical Imagination: Interpretations of Nature, Art and Politics, Estonian Geographical Society, Tallinn Univeristy, University of Tartu, and Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tallinn & Tartu, Estonia, June 15-19
Zebracki, M. & S. Warren (2015), Convenors of special session on Creative Place-Making and Its Micropublics. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, April 21-25
Zebracki, M., J. Palmer & P. Guinard (2015), Convenors of special session on Public Art Geographies: Territoriality, Transculturalism, Therapy. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, April 21-25
Maginn, P., E. Cooper & M. Zebracki (2015), Convenors of special session on (De)Sexualisation & (De)Pornification of Space: Spatialisation, Politicisation and Regulation of Sex, Sexuality, Sex Work & Pornography. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, April 21-25
Zebracki, M. (2015), Chair and panelist of Jobs in Geohumanities, convened by Laurel Smith. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, USA, April 21-25
Zebracki, M. & T. Milani (2014), Convenors of special session on Queer, Semiotics and Space: Understanding Queer Identities through Language and Space (sponsored by SSQRG: Space, Sexualities & Queer Research Group). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, August 26-29
Zebracki, M. & J. Palmer (2014), Convenors of special session on Let Us Talk About Public Art, but Where Are the Publics? Geographies of Public-Art Co-Production. Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, August 26-29
Zebracki, M. & J. Palmer (2014), Convenors of special session on Queer Geographies of Public-Art Co-Production (sponsored by SSQRG: Space, Sexualities & Queer Research Group). Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, August 26-29
Warren, S. & M. Zebracki (2014), Convenors of the exhibition Geographies of Co-Production in the Arts: Artists, Communities and the City. See also artinpublicspace.net – Virtual Museum. Annual International Conference, Royal Geographical Society (RGS) with Institute of British Geographers (IBG), London, August 26-29
McKinney, J. & M. Zebracki (2014), Convenors of symposium on Performance, Place, Possibility: Performance in Contemporary Urban Contexts, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, April 4
Zebracki, M. (2013), Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Geographies of Sexualities Conference, Lisbon, September 5-7 (see also academic and social service)
Zebracki, M. & M. Duineveld (2013), Convenors of special session on Public Art and Architecture As Irritation: Mediating Politics, Emotions and Space. 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands, July 1-3
Zebracki, M. & V. De Craene (2013), Convenors of special session on Geographies of Sexuality: Bodies, Spatial Encounters, and Emotions. 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands, July 1-3
Zebracki, M. (2013), Public art in a just city: Challenging the ‘bird’s-eye doctrine’ in current public-art practice. 5th Nordic Geographers’ Meeting – Responsible Geographies, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 11-14
Zebracki, M. & J. Palmer (2013), Convenors of special session on Public Art and Accountability: Whose Art for Whose City? The 5th Nordic Geographers’ Meeting – Responsible Geographies, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 11-14
Zebracki, M. (2013), Keynote lecture: Public art as geographical conversation piece: Situating art, space and people. International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art and Geography: Aesthetics and Practices of Spatial Knowledges, University of Lyon, Lyon, France, February 11-13
Zebracki, M. (2012-2013), Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art and Geography: Aesthetics and Practices of Spatial Knowledges, University of Lyon, Lyon, France, February 11-13, 2013 (see also academic and social service)
Zebracki, M. (2012), Imagining geographies of public art: The roles and uses of art in the city. GeographiKal Imaginations, Cult-G IV International Meeting, Department of Geography, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, September 27-28
Zebracki, M. (2012), Convenor of three special sessions on Spacing the Arts: Exploring Geographies of Public Art from Within. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, USA, February 24-28
Zebracki, M. (2012), Engaging geographies of public art: The case of Paul McCarthy’s ‘Butt Plug Gnome’ in Rotterdam. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, USA, February 24-28
Zebracki, M. (2010), Geographies of public art: Mental representations of the multiform publics. Spaces and Flows: An International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, December 4-5
Zebracki, M. (2009), Policies and practices of public art in Western Europe: Does institutional context matter? Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, USA, March 22-27
Zebracki, M. (2008), Public-art rhetoric in question. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, USA, April 15-19
Zebracki, M. (2007), Art and urban sphere in dialogue. World Congress of the International Federation for Housing and Planning, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 22-26